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PatchPlus provides subject matter expertise for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), Independent Research and Development (IRAD), Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) as well as direct government efforts.  Since 2010 we have received over 75 SBIR awards with several transitioning. 


Our skilled interface among users, software developers and the acquisition community has ensured the inclusion of an operational perspective in defining and scoping future concepts and experimentation such as Multi-Domain Command and Control (MDC2), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).  Working directly with government labs, we have facilitated “think tank” workshops, experimentation plans and evaluation via use cases and scenarios.  Interfacing with software developers, we have contributed capability mockups, software iteration test and evaluation, and feedback on user interfaces.  


PatchPlus has been a key partner in transitioning developing technology to the operational community, recommending transition and marketing strategies and facilitating capability demonstrations.  Once technologies are transitioned, we have delivered tailored training and training materials such as user guides, checklists and instructional videos.  


Click here​ for a sampling of our Past Performance in Technology tasks.

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